DOUGLAS states that; " You can tell the ideal of a nation by its advertisment." The modern age is said to be Atomic age but it is also the age of advertisement. Advertisment has become popular these days. Every individual, political party, institution, country and nation is busy in advertisment. Global once said that when you start repeating false statements many times then it starts seeming to be true. Without advertisment we can not be able to know the range of product available in any field. It helps us in making choice. We choose things which seems to us best according to our requirments. so we can say that advertising is a corner stone of any free society. Through advertisment people promote their products, the dozens of news paper and magazines in pakistan will reveal that a large number of people are advertisers, T.V commercials and other mass media is playing a vital role in this connection. Advertisment is now adopting new shapes. In advertisment the emphasis is primarily on the communication of ideas, on the message regarding the product that is to be sold. Advertising agences promotes their products in a convincing manner. It is also proving very helpful in buisness. As it is said by some one that. "when buisness is good it pays to advertise when buisness is bad you have got to advertise" They may exaggerate but they seldom lie,using words, pictures, colours, size movement position, lights and lots of glamour. Thus in this way it has stabilized buisness, increases volume of trade and improved both the general quality of living and the standard of public state. Out door advertising is also popular.
Further it is has also become a common trend in advertisment that a young beautiful and attrractive female model is used in adverstisment which may have phychological impacts on viewers. We see that advertising companies usually are in the habit of putting their adds everywhere. In this connection they put the ads of their movies in a sensational manner where ever thet like. They do not even hesitate to put some stupid kind of advertisment on walls of houses, schools and shops, Wall chalking is also very popular in this contex. Where on the other hand, advertisment have certain disadvantagesit has a lot of advantages it has also a lot of advantages. It had become an integral and essential part of modern society. The fact is that it has increased the range of our choice.

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